If you are a Montana railroad worker who sustains an injury while on the job, you have rights to compensation under the Federal Employers Liability Act (“FELA”). FELA is a federal law enacted in recognition of the inherent dangers associated with working in the...
Railroad Worker Injuries
Railroad industry implements new safety measures
Montana railroad workers who suffer an injury while on the job face many challenges. If you work on a railroad in Montana, injuries from a railroad accident can be serious and cause a major disruption to your life. This may be devastating to you, since like many...
Do you work on a railroad in Montana?
Maybe you're one of many adults Montana who loved trains as a child. Perhaps, you always hoped that trains would still be part of your life when you grew up. If you got a job on a railroad, you might have felt like all your childhood dreams had come true. Railroad...
How safe is your Montana railroad job?
Many Montana workers have come from long lines of ancestry where parents, grand-parents and perhaps even great grand-parents have given service to the transcontinental railroads that helped industrialize the United States. You may consider your railroad job both...
Explaining FELA claims for railroad workers
Montana residents who are employed by railroad companies are protected under the Federal Employers Liability Act if they are injured while they are working on the job. This law differs from state workers' compensation laws, however. Under FELA, people are required to...
Steps to compensation after a railroad worker injury
For a Montana railroad worker who suffers an injury on the job, financial hardship is a real possibility. To prevent a bad situation from becoming worse, certain steps should be followed after railroad worker injuries to secure compensation. Whether the worker suffers...
Limits placed on locale of lawsuits against companies
Railroad workers should be aware of a May ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court regarding pursuing damages against corporations. The 8-1 ruling, which specifically applied to two lawsuits plaintiffs had filed against a Texas railroad company in the more amenable Montana...
FELA guides workplace injury cases for railroad workers
Many miles of railroad tracks crisscross Montana, and the heavy equipment involved presents daily hazards to workers. In 1908, Congress established the Federal Employers Liability Act to provide injured railroad workers and their family members with a system for...